SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) (Optimizador de motor de búsquedas)

There are a lot of people, companies, and anyone, who want to be in the best place of a search engine. We can find a lot of Companies who want to sell you a position in Yahoo, Google, MSN or any other search engine, but there are a lot of lies and a lot of trues about those companies.

But, there are people who want to get the best place of a search engine, and they get it without a companie. But……HOW??????

First, You need to know about this word….SEO

What’s SEO? How can I eat a SEO? Where can I buy it?

There are a lot of questions about this word, and here, you can find some meaning. If you want more meaning, you can go here à

SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) is like a study of how to get traffic from the search engines. So, what do I need to get more traffic from a search engine?

Here is a little list about that:

You need to increase your PR (Page Ranking).

What is PR?

It’s a numeric value that represent how important is that website.

Is it important for a search engine?

It’s really valuable for a search engine like Google, Yahoo and others.

But, how can I increase it?

It’s really to say….but difficult to get it. You just need other page put a link to your page. But, not just that (that’s the difficult part), that page need to have a greater PR than your web site. There is a great example: If put a link of your website, you will increase your PR and of this way, Google will consider you more important in a search

How can I get someone to put my link?

That’s really hard, but you can put your link in great directories, like:













You can find in internet a lot of directories who have a big PR, so that’s good for you.

You need keywords in your website

What are keywords?

Keywords are the words that the people need to put in a search engine to find your website. In my case, I need to put words like: Visual Studio, Java, JSF, JDeveloper, Oracle, etc. But if you are a gamer, you can put words like: SNES, NES, PS3, Wii, Nintendo, etc.

Is there any way to put my words more searchable?

Yes, You can find a website where you can find the more searchable words in Internet. Here you have a little list:




And here you have website with suggestion about words:



Finally, here you have a good suggestion:

If you want a place with a big PR where you can put the link of your website, you can put it, if you have a myspace, hi5, facebook, fotolog, etc. You can put your link there, and that will generate traffic to your website

Also, don’t forget, your website should be interesting.

I will talk about SEO and how to generate traffic to your website in other article.

Sorry if I have mistakes in my English, I’m from Peru, and we usually talk in Spanish.

Thanks for your visit =)

cya :3

P.d. I will put this same article in spanish

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

El algoritmo de PR que google aplica ha cambiado mucho, ya no es tan importante los enlaces de otras páginas hacia la tuya, como era en los inicios de google (te recomiendo que leas el articulo de Page y Sergey Brin[1]); ni tampoco muy importante el registrar la página en directorios como dmoz, al parecer google ya no los toma muy en cuenta.

Actualmente lo que más importa es el "contenido", y para eso está la habilidad de redacción de cada uno para elaborar un artículo o contenido con aquellas palabras clave con las que se quiere que el artículo sea encontrado.

Y otro detalle muy importante es que la página cumpla con los estándares de la W3C, especialmente con los de estructurado de contenido (XHTML) y presentación (CSS). Recuerda que googlebot es un parser, y si le facilitas las cosas tus probabilidades de indexación bien posicionadas dependerán también de las facilidades que le des al bot para poder parsear tu página (si haz usado xml, no crees que es más fácil hacer un parser para un xml que haz definido como estándar que para uno que tiene muchas variaciones en sus definiciones para el que tienes que programar casos especiales para tratarlos)

Dale un chequeada a este enlace que aclara algunos detalles:




Christian Eduardo Palomares Peralta (ShinjiDev) dijo...

Hey Pepe, muchas gracias por la info, siempre es bueno encontrar más información al respecto, y para eso está este blog, para intercambiar información y mejorar lo que uno coloque.

Thxs por la info. Pronto la leeré y modificaré varias cosas.